Thursday, November 12, 2020


 John 6:15                               (ESV)

“PERCEIVING then that they were about to come and take HIM by force to make HIM king, “JESUS WITHDREW” again to the mountain by HIMSELF.”

JESUS is GOD (John 10:30), so HE could tell how people were going to react before they ever said or did anything to indicate their intentions.  HE wasn’t on earth to establish an earthly kingdom, although HE could have at anytime.  He wasn’t here to amass great wealth.  HE already owns the cattle of a thousand hills (Psalms 50:10)!  The purpose of JESUS coming to earth was to REDEEM we who are HIS (John 17:6).  

But we have to WAIT ON THE LORD (Psalms 27:14)!  We are not wise enough to eradicate cancer, we aren’t able to make our skin a different color, nor even smart or good enough to figure out a way into Heaven!  WE MUST HAVE DIVINE INTERVENTION!  

When “JESUS WITHDREW”, HE did so because HIS time had not yet come.  HE lived a perfect life, always doing what the FATHER would have done.   MANY times the people were emotionally “moved” to proclaim HIM as KING, but HE KNEW that no one can come to ME unless the FATHER draws him (John 6:44). HE was ALL ABOUT Glorifying ALMIGHTY GOD.   

So many times I want to “build on” things that THE LORD has accomplished in my life, leaving HIM behind!  To be more like HIM, I must remember that “JESUS WITHDREW” when THE FATHER wasn’t Glorified.  When I begin to be elevated, I must remember that without HIM I would be nothing!  1 Peter 5:6 says “HUMBLE YOURSELVES, therefore, under the MIGHTY HAND OF GOD so that AT THE PROPER TIME HE MAY EXALT YOU”!  “JESUS WITHDREW” at the this time, but GOD ELEVATED HIM at the appropriate time

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