Thursday, November 19, 2020


 1 Corinthians 7:17                    (ESV)

“Only let each person lead “THE LIFE THAT THE LORD HAS ASSIGNED” to him, and to which GOD has called him. This is my rule in all the churches.”

Seeing those who show no signs of following CHRIST experiencing what “this world” might consider a successful life can be tough to accept.  But a  person who achieves tremendous financial gain could actually have an underlying health concern that even they are unaware of.  A person who is living a life free from any identifiable obstacles can die unexpectedly from any number of issues!  The thing that we must recognize is that ALMIGHTY GOD in Exodus 33:19 GOD tells Moses  "I will make all MY goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you MY NAME 'The LORD.' And I WILL BE GRACIOUS TO WHOM I WILL BE GRACIOUS, and WILL SHOW MERCY ON WHOM I WILL SHOW MERCY.”  Identifying the BLESSINGS and MERCIES of CHRIST can sometimes escape our EYES, but when we SEE through the prism of the CROSS, a new LIGHT shines on everything!  

Just because others experience financial blessings doesn’t indicate that their lives are pleasing GOD.  And just because someone is struggling to pay the bills doesn’t mean that they are out of GOD’S WILL!  In Genesis 37 - 41 Joseph was sold into slavery, worked as a servant to Potiphar, sent to prison unjustly, and finally was elevated to Second in Command of all of Egypt!  GOD used everything in Joseph’s life for HIS GLORY and to prepare Joseph for what lie ahead in his future.   

When we finally understand and have our EYES OPENED to SEE that GOD is using “all things” for HIS GLORY (Romans 8:28), our “suffering” takes on a different meaning.  If GOD has CHOSEN us to SUFFER for HIM, we should make sure HE is getting Glory!  If GOD is Blessing us with anything (especially BREATH!), we should make sure HE is getting Glory!  The bottom line is that GOD deserves Glory in everything as we are not worthy of anything, especially LIFE IN JESUS!

This wretch of a man grows weary from time to time of the struggles of every day life.  It seems that most people want to claim the “good times” when talking about the PROMISES OF GOD, but what about John 16:33 when JESUS “promises” “I have said these things to you, that IN ME you may have PEACE. IIN THE WORLD YOU WILL HAVE TRIBULATION. But take heart; I have overcome the world."  This is a PROMISE OF GOD that most want to forget.  Why would a LOVING FATHER expose HIS children to painful times when HE could prevent them?  Maybe because HE gets Glory from us learning to depend on HIM to get us through the hard times?

“Only let each person lead “THE LIFE THAT THE LORD HAS ASSIGNED” to him, and to which GOD has called him” wasn’t placed in the WORD OF GOD by chance or circumstance.  The LORD has a PLAN and that is for us to Glorify GOD!  Maybe one day I will learn to LET GO and allow GOD TO BE GOD and simply lead “THE LIFE THAT THE LORD HAS ASSIGNED” to me???

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