Wednesday, May 5, 2021

“You shall have NO OTHER gods before ME!”

 Exodus 20:3                            (ESV)

“You shall have NO OTHER gods before ME.”

Most of us are so consumed with trying to justify our actions and lifestyles that we cannot fully SEE that absolutely NONE among us humans can even obey the very first commandment given to Moses on Mount Sinai.  “You shall have no other gods before ME” is speaking of whatever it is that we elevate above ALMIGHTY GOD and our allegiance to HIM.  

When I was a child, I remember thinking that my mother was THE most important figure in my life!  I literally wept thinking that I would outlive her in “this world“.  Then I met my wife and I’m allegiance changed.  Then my two sons arrived and once again change was in my life.  But then, grandchildren came along and I was introduced to a NEW LEVEL of LOVE, a level that words cannot adequately state!  

No matter what changes in our lives, our ALLEGIANCE must be to only ONE, THE GOD OF CREATION!  “You shall have NO OTHER gods before ME” means that NOTHING SHALL EVER be more important to us than our relationship with JESUS, and our commitment to serve ONLY HIM.  JESUS told us in Matthew 6:24 that we cannot serve two masters, yet we attempt to do just enough to “satisfy” our commitment to HIM and live as this world leads us when our BIBLE is closed!

“You shall have NO OTHER gods before ME” isn’t simply a kind suggestion for a peaceful life.  How many times in Scripture is SUFFERING for HIS NAME mentioned?  We need to reevaluate our WHO JESUS CHRIST is in our lives.  Are we prepared to SUFFER FOR HIS NAME, or do we run from persecution like the plague?  “You shall have NO OTHER gods before ME” is the first of the TEN COMMANDMENTS, not the ten ways to enjoy our best life now!  

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