Friday, February 3, 2023


 Psalm 119:18-24                      (ESV)

    “[18] “OPEN MY EYES”, that I may behold

        WONDROUS THINGS out of your law. 

    [19] I am a sojourner on the earth;

        hide not YOUR commandments from me! 

    [20] My soul is consumed with longing

        for YOUR rules at all times. 

    [21] YOU rebuke the insolent, accursed ones,

        who wander from your commandments. 

    [22] Take away from me scorn and contempt,

        for I have kept your testimonies. 

    [23] Even though princes sit plotting against me,

        YOUR servant will meditate on your statutes. 

    [24] YOUR testimonies are my delight;

        they are my counselors.”

As I occupy the office today, my wife is at the eye doctor getting a new set of eye glasses ordered.  Being able to see properly is a gift that we who are BLESSED with great eyesight don’t PRAISE GOD enough for.  When I had the Brain Hemorrhage in 2007 I was wearing “1.75” reading glasses.  Over the 15+ years since, my eyes have improved to where I now have “1.25” reading glasses which are too strong for me!

When we think about our SPIRITUAL EYESIGHT, some people have to wear prescription glasses to be able to SEE adequately, and some people don’t! Some cannot SEE adequately and are unable to recognize what others can plainly SEE!  The verses above explicitly say “OPEN MY EYES”, that I may behold WONDROUS THINGS out of your law!  

According to one commentary, Psalm 119:18 begins with:  “Open.—Literally, uncover, as if without Divine grace THE EYES WERE VEILED to the wonder and beauty of the moral law.”  There are “things” that we are unable to SEE unless our EYES are UNCOVERED by our CREATOR!  When we realize that our VISION is limited by what our CREATOR has UNVEILED to us, we are going to be able to SEE what HE has for us!  

Being in a coma for seventeen days does have certain benefits, especially when you are able to return to what most consider a “normal lifestyle”!  My physical vision has improved significantly since, but my SPIRITUAL VISION has drastically improved since I began to YEARN to HEAR from my CREATOR!  “OPEN MY EYES” doesn’t have as much to do with being able to physically see, but it has EVERYTHING to do with being able to SEE that which GOD is wanting to REVEAL to this humble servant!!!

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