Wednesday, February 1, 2023


 John 17:1-5                                     (ESV)

The High Priestly Prayer

“[1] When JESUS had spoken these words, HE lifted up HIS eyes to Heaven, and said, “FATHER, the hour has come; glorify YOUR SON that the SON may glorify YOU, [2] since YOU have given HIM authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom YOU have given HIM. [3] And THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE, THAT THEY KNOW YOU, “THE ONLY TRUE GOD”, and JESUS CHRIST WHOM YOU have sent. [4] I glorified YOU on earth, having accomplished the work that YOU gave ME to do. [5] And now, FATHER, glorify ME in YOUR OWN presence with the glory that I had with YOU BEFORE THE WORLD EXISTED.”

Recently a news article was posted that put forth the narrative that one coach’s prerogative on recruits would be more about WHO the athlete was instead of WHAT an athlete possessed skill-wise.  When the subject is considered in depth, making sure that a person has the abilities to perform at a level far above their rivals does them absolutely NO GOOD if they don’t possess what is needed to “get in out of the rain”, as was preached to me when I was younger!

In John the seventeenth chapter, JESUS was praying to HIS FATHER because HE KNEW HIS time “has come” (John 17:1).  JESUS wanted us to KNOW “THE ONLY TRUE GOD” and to follow HIS WORD and HIS INSTRUCTIONS for our lives!  KNOWING “THE ONLY TRUE GOD” is quite different than “having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.” (2 Timothy 3:5). When we truly KNOW “THE ONLY TRUE GOD” and permit HIM to CHANGE our lives to suit HIS PURPOSE, only then will we be used to GLORIFY HIS NAME!

Only when we are a part of the team of “THE ONLY TRUE GOD” will fulfill our mission to MAGNIFY and GLORIFY HIM.  KNOWING HIM is quite different than knowing about HIM!  May my life reflect “THE ONLY TRUE GOD” in everything I do and HE gain GLORY from my actions in the days that I am BLESSED to reflect HIM on earth!!!

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