Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Choose you this day whom you will serve"

Folks, I feel the time has come to choose sides.  Either we are going to be on GOD's side, or we are not!  If we are not on GOD's side, then we are on the side of evil and destruction.  The BIBLE is the Word of GOD (Elohim) and no other god (Allah, Buddah, Hare Krishna, Self, etc...) or religion is HIS equal.  JESUS declares in the BIBLE that you must "choose".  According to our Creator, "No one can serve two Masters" (Matt 6:24).  Until our nation returns to worshipping Jesus Christ, we will continue to struggle.  Our first President is reported to have said "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.".     IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Revisionists can make their points if they like, but unless they "revise" history, they ignore the fact that the United States of America is only here because of a Holy and Righteous GOD!   In World War I or WWII, any number of battles COULD (and possibly should) have gone another direction and we would be speaking German or Japanese right now. 

GOD is our ONLY hope!  Either we can BEG HIM to be merciful or continue to thumb our noses at HIM and suffer the consequences!  I pray it is not too late!  

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