Friday, August 17, 2012

The only HOPE for America!!!

I keep seeing people talking about the hope for America lies either in re-electing one guy or replacing him with another man. Some say conservative ideals are our only chance. Others say more liberal ideals are where we need to strive.

History has proven that even in a nation as young as ours (236 years old), when we remove our eyes from a Holy GOD, we WILL falter. From the Revolutionary War until we fought in World War II, history shows we were humble enough to know we NEEDED help from a higher being to defeat our enemies. Since then, we have started to look at "OUR" might and strength and not give credit where it is due, to a Holy and Righteous GOD! When the United States of America started believing all of the hype about how big we were and not focusing on how big OUR GOD is, we begin to not have the success we once had!

Think about it for a few minutes! We are only as great as HE allows us to be! I realize that some argue there is no GOD, and that is fine. The BIBLE says there will be many of those. There are those who claim that the USA is too powerful to need any help.  But in Korea and Vietnam, we lost over 80,000 men!

Conversely, Israel won the Six Day War over more than 10 Arab nations (almost 25,000 Arabs killed or missing) and there were less than 1,000 Israeli casualties.

Until we (2 Chronicles 7:14) get back to realizing where our strength and might comes from, we will suffer the consequences! Carman Licciardello, better known as Carman, says it better than I can in this song! GOD help us all.

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