Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Isaiah 49:23                                 (NASB)
"Kings will be your guardians, And their princesses your nurses. They will bow down to you with their faces to the earth and lick the dust of your feet; And you will know that I am the LORD; Those who hopefully wait for ME will not be put to shame."

Over the past few days I have been fighting a cold, with coughing and sinus drainage and headaches in an abundant supply!  Being sick is really a downer for me as I tend to lose sight of WHOM I worship, and instead focus on getting my physical health back to normal.  Although I am still not back to my old self, I am FAR from where I was before!  Feeling pretty bad a few days ago, I decided to go to scripture and look for an answer to the funk I was in, and I googled "bible.....how long must I wait"?   One of the top responses was Isaiah 49:23!

The first part of the verse about Kings being my guardians and princesses being my nurses didn't catch my eye, but the part that DID stand out to me was "Those who HOPEFULLY wait for ME will NOT be it to shame."  When feel you have been given a direction from GOD and you are made to wait for HIS Plan to come to fruition, the wait can be painful as our nature is to live in a microwave mentality.   We want everything when we (mainly I) want it and we usually try making things work out the way we think they should.  Learning to "WAIT FOR ME" is one of the most difficult lessons I have ever had to learn.

The sentence just prior to "Those who HOPEFULLY wait for ME will NOT be it to shame" is one that should remove all tension from our lives.   "And you will know that I am the LORD" isn't just a catchy phrase that is placed in scripture as a filler phrase, it means to accentuate that GOD is GOD, and HE has HIS own way, HIS own Plan that we are not aware of and we should "WAIT FOR ME" to see.  As bad as I sometimes want to think that I am righteous enough to know what is best for my life (and those around me), scripture reminds me that my thoughts are not HIS thoughts and my ways are not HIS ways (Isaiah 55:8-9)!

For me, learning to "WAIT FOR ME" is me agreeing "that I AM the LORD" is the ONE WHO is in control and I am not!  FATHER in Heaven, my prayer is that I will mature into a vessel whose nature is to "HOPEFULLY wait for ME" and I will "NOT be it to shame"!

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