Friday, January 3, 2020


Romans 13:1-2                                                (ESV)
“1 Let “EVERY PERSON” be subject to the governing authorities. For there is NO AUTHORITY EXCEPT FROM GOD, and those that exist have been instituted by GOD.
2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what GOD has appointed, and THOSE WHO RESIST WILL INCUR JUDGMENT.”

Humans can become so caught up in the actions (or inactions!) of our “governing authorities” that we don’t acknowledge GOD’S Sovereignty over our world.  In looking at a chart of the kings over Israel, the “bad” kings far outnumbered the “good” kings.  Some “feared” GOD, but most did what was right in their own eyes.

When the Apostle Paul was placed in prison in Acts 16, they didn’t protest or write letters to fellow humans.  Instead, they were “praying and singing hymns to GOD” (Acts 16:25-26) and HE responded by setting them free via an earthquake!  GOD is NEVER limited by our circumstances, as a matter of fact, GOD delights in impossibilities!  When things seem the bleakest, they are just getting ripe for THE MASTER!

Having FAITH that GOD is in CONTROL, not earthly leaders, does not mean that everything will exactly the way we want.  Throughout history GOD uses difficulties in life to cause us to trust in HIM, and no other.  The Children of Israel were subjected to Egyptian captivity for 430 years.... all because they would not worship the LORD!  Then GOD used Moses to lead them out of Egypt and across the Red Sea, and what did they do.....complain!!!  No water, bad food, no house to call home, it seemed like they couldn’t be satisfied!  It seems “EVERY PERSON” had a wish list of things that THEY wanted.

Once again in today’s world, it seems “EVERY PERSON” is looking out for how THEY THINK things need to be done.  ALMIGHTY GOD has a Plan.  It isn’t my place to whine and complain about how things might be going, rather to be “praying and singing hymns to GOD” for being used by HIM.......and to Glorify HIM!  “EVERY PERSON” begins with ME!!!

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