Monday, January 6, 2020


2 Corinthians 7:1                                          (ESV)
“Since we have these promises, beloved, “LET US CLEANSE OURSELVES” from every defilement of body and spirit, BRINGING HOLINESS to completion in the fear of GOD.”

A “memory” showed up recently on a social media site from last year.  It reminded me of a friend who had offered this wisdom to “this world”....”For any who may vacillate at reality, we'll keep it short and simple: it's Male or Female, Boy or Girl, Man or Woman, Husband or Wife, Father or Mother; of God or of the Devil, the Truth or a Lie, END OF STORY!!”

When mankind tries to manipulate, twist, or change to make things more palatable for humans, that is typically NOT acceptable to a HOLY GOD.   Anything that in our eyes is “good enough” is falling short of HOLINESS.  Now don’t confuse what I am proclaiming to be saying that we are NOT in need of GRACE!  2 Corinthians 6:1b tells us “...we appeal to you NOT to receive the grace of GOD in vain.”  We are unable to live up to the level of righteousness required to enter Heaven, so we must depend on HIM WHO was able to live up to that level, JESUS!  While we are to be thankful and grateful for GRACE, we are not to receive grace in vain!

When we realize that we MUST “LET US CLEANSE OURSELVES”, we have to understand that us being able to overcome a enemy stronghold in our lives is purely by GRACE!   Allowing JESUS CHRIST to live in me was, for the most part, an act of surrendering to HIS SPIRIT pursuit of me.  The desire to be HOLY is solely from GOD.  When I say “LET US CLEANSE OURSELVES”, it is begging HIM to remove desires to do what I want to do.

I’ve often heard it said “I’m not what I want to be, but thank GOD I’m not what I used to be”!  The closer HE draws me to HIS LIGHT, the more dirt I
am able to SEE.  “LET US CLEANSE OURSELVES” to be used by JESUS to magnify and glorify HIS NAME!!!

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