Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Luke 2:49-51                                 (ESV)
“49 And HE said to them, "Why were you looking for ME? Did you not know that I must be in MY FATHER’S house?"
50 And “THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND” the saying that HE spoke to them.
51 And HE went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And HIS mother treasured up all these things IN HER HEART.”

Luke 2:19                                                       (ESV)
“But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them IN HER HEART.”

December 24, 2019 my devotional included the verses above.  While reviewing past posts recently, the words “THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND” and IN HER HEART were continually ringing in my mind.

Have you ever been so caught up in what you were doing that when someone said something you couldn’t make sense of it and you summarily brushed it off without contemplating their message?   Although JESUS was given to Joseph and Mary for safekeeping while growing up, occasionally “THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND” HIS WORDS when HE spoke them unto them.  Joseph’s reaction wasn’t documented in Scripture, but Mary pondered the words IN HER HEART!

How many times have I heard THE WORD OF GOD and I DID NOT UNDERSTAND, or just didn’t care enough to have my life CHANGED?  Having your Spiritual EYES opened by GOD ALMIGHTY is the greatest fulfillment, especially when we let HIS WORD transform us into using us for HIS PURPOSE!  “This world” keeps us moving at such a pace that to fit in we don’t have time to UNDERSTAND, we cannot slow our lives down to hear from GOD!

Proverbs 23:4 (ESV) says “Do not toil to acquire wealth; BE DISCERNING ENOUGH TO DESIST.”  Another translation says “Do not wear yourself out to get rich; be WISE ENOUGH to restrain yourself.”  Could it be that when I am so busy that “THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND” that GOD is keeping my eyes closed where I am prevented from SEEING HIS Purpose for the lesson I am being exposed to?  Mary treasured things IN HER HEART, learning from them when GOD saw fit to OPEN HER EYES!  Maybe I will SLOW DOWN long enough to where my “THEY DID NOT UNDERSTAND” moments will be fewer as I mature for HIS GLORY?!?

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