Thursday, August 24, 2023


 Ephesians 5:6                            (ESV)

“[6] Let no one deceive you with EMPTY WORDS, for because of these things “THE WRATH OF GOD” comes upon the sons of disobedience.”

Sixteen years ago next week I was released from the HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital after a 21 day stay.  One of the things that took me LOT of getting used to following the Brain Hemorrhage was NOT having the same ability to use “sarcastic” responses to show wit (or disdain) for the ongoing conversation.  Sometimes GOD doesn’t permit everything to be “restored”, especially when HE removes it from your life!

When THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES decides to “change” something, HE doesn’t require our submission, nor even our acknowledgement!  I was placed into a seventeen day coma and when I was brought out of it I was extremely slow to think, almost “retarded”!  I am BLESSED that GOD has restored most of my “deficits”, but searching for the proper words is something that I STILL struggle with, and I am convinced that is “beyond me”!  It is something that GOD has used to SLOW me down, to WAIT ON HIM for the words I need to say!!!

As a child, using EMPTY WORDS may have been a tool that I used because I didn’t have a father in the house?  Regardless, GOD used the Brain Hemorrhage to take that away from me as only HE could!  I don’t Believe “THE WRATH OF GOD” was required to change me, for THE CREATOR could have CHANGED me in however HE desired.  I DO KNOW that the Speech Pathologists working with me did everything they could to improve my “word recall”, but GOD made it known to me that when HE CHANGES something, man HAS TO accept it!!!

Why does humanity think that we can do whatever we choose with our bodies?  We simply have been BLESSED by ALMIGHTY GOD with every breath we breathe (Isaiah 42:5) and sometimes we need to SLOW DOWN and recognize WHO HE is, and what we are!! None of us can handle “THE WRATH OF GOD”, so we need to be mindful that!!!

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