Wednesday, January 3, 2024


 John 10:14                          (ESV)

“I AM the good shepherd. I know “MY OWN” and “MY OWN” know ME.”

When GOD was speaking to Moses in Exodus 3:14 HE said “I AM WHO I AM” when Moses asked  how the Israelites would identify HIM when Moses was delivering what GOD was telling Moses to tell them.  In the passage above, JESUS says “I AM the good shepherd. I know “MY OWN” and “MY OWN” know ME.”  We need to understand that the same BEING speaking to Moses is speaking to us in John 10:14!

The importance that JESUS says during HIS earthly ministry “I AM the good shepherd. I know “MY OWN” and “MY OWN” know ME.” only verifies to me that HE KNOWS me because HE CHOSE me BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD (Ephesians 1:4), so HE knew then that HE was going to die for me!  

Having my EYES OPENED to SEE HIS sacrifice for me is a very humbling thing, that “I AM WHO I AM” came to earth on my behalf so HE could purchase the sin debt that I accrued and make me a part of HIS “MY OWN” is unfathomable to me, BUT I AM SO GLAD HE DID!!!

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