Thursday, January 4, 2024


 Psalm 138:1-2                           (ESV$

Give Thanks to the LORD

Of David.

    “[1] I give you thanks, O LORD, with my whole heart;

        before the gods I sing your praise; 

    [2] I bow down toward YOUR holy temple

        and give thanks to YOUR NAME for YOUR steadfast love and your faithfulness,

        for YOU have exalted above all things

        “YOUR NAME and YOUR WORD”.”

The short video below is a man of GOD speaking TRUTH!

“YOUR NAME and YOUR WORD” has been EXALTED above ALL THINGS by our CREATOR!  Why does most of humanity act as though “YOUR NAME and YOUR WORD” is something that can be recognized IF we choose to?  

King David wrote in Psalms 138:2 “I bow down toward YOUR holy temple and give thanks to YOUR NAME for YOUR steadfast love and your faithfulness, for YOU have exalted above all things “YOUR NAME and YOUR WORD”!  Now King David was “a man after GOD’s OWN HEART” (1 Samuel 13:14), therefore this isn’t just his opinion or feelings.  

Since “YOUR NAME and YOUR WORD” are elevated FAR ABOVE ALL THINGS by GOD ALMIGHTY, why doesn’t the majority of HIS CREATION recognize and appreciate them?  Because there IS NO acceptable answer, I will leave this here, but KNOW for a FACT that ONE DAY we will ALL recognize JESUS as the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS!  It would be WISE to recognize “YOUR NAME and YOUR WORD” beforehand, because then it will be too late!!!

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