Monday, July 15, 2024


 Isaiah 42:5-8                    (ESV)

    “[5] Thus says GOD, the LORD,

        WHO created the heavens and stretched them out,

        WHO spread out the earth and what comes from it,

    WHO GIVES BREATH to the people on it

        and spirit to those who walk in it: 


        I will take you by the hand and keep you;

    I will give you as a covenant for the people,

        a light for the nations, 

    [7]     to open the eyes that are blind,

    to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon,

        from the prison those who sit in darkness. 

    [8] I am the LORD; that is MY name;

        MY glory I give to no other,

        nor MY praise to carved idols.”

As yesterday I was in church listening to the message from GOD, I wrote this sentence as a “note” to myself!  “GOD “gives” us EVERYTHING, even the breath we breathe (Isaiah 42:5)!”  Our Sunday School lesson even reminded us that “Agrippa and Bernice” (Acts 25:13) were thought by most to be at the top of the ladder socially, but they were apparently living a life that was VERY deviant!  

As a people, we don’t have the capacity to undertake ANYTHING outside of the GRACE OF GOD!  “Agrippa and Bernice” weren’t CHOSEN BY GOD, therefore they did what they wanted.  We often default to doing what “we think” is best, very often without praying for DIVINE GUIDANCE?  We tend to trust that THE CREATOR will guide us, even though we don’t SEEK HIS GUIDANCE in the path we are assigned???

FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to ALWAYS remember that “I HAVE CALLED YOU IN RIGHTEOUSNESS”, not to make any life easier, but as a TESTAMENT of YOUR MERCY and GRACE!!!  YOU GIVE me the BREATH required to live, and I need to REMEMBER that every time I exhale.  

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