Friday, July 5, 2024



Hebrews 11:6                    (ESV)

“[6] And WITHOUT FAITH it is “IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM”, for whoever would draw near to GOD MUST BELIEVE that HE exists and that HE REWARDS THOSE WHO SEEK HIM.”

As GOD often does, HE continues SPEAKING to me through a prior verse (or passage of Scripture) that I have written about.  Earlier this week I wrote about trying to live LIFE “WITHOUT FAITH”.  If you are BORN AGAIN you may not remember life before JESUS CHRIST rescued you from hell, BUT I DO!!!  

Which brings me to the next portion of this verse, “IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM”, our CREATOR WITHOUT the aforementioned FAITH!!  Of course, we might be SOOO grateful that our EYES have been OPENED that we tend to gloss over who JESUS transformed???  I was/am so vile and repugnant that it took a SPOTLESS LAMB to cover my sins!

GOD KNEW “before the foundation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4) that HE would have to Sacrifice HIMSELF for my sins, yet HE CREATED me anyway!!!  Because ”IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE HIM” doesn’t make sense to me?  But because of the FAITH that HE bestowed upon me, that is the MAJESTIC GRACE of GOD!!!!

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