Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Hebrews 11:6                    (ESV)

“[6] And “WITHOUT FAITH” it is IMPOSSIBLE to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD MUST BELIEVE that HE exists and that HE REWARDS THOSE WHO SEEK HIM.”

When ALMIGHTY GOD KNOWS our FAITH exists, sometimes HE places us in predicaments where we have NO HOPE but to TRUST IN HIM!! The most GLARING exhibition of PURE FAITH was my wife KNEW that I would “be alright” in July 2007, even though others, especially in the medical profession, “weren’t so sure”!  I was in a coma, so ALMIGHTY GOD had the “weakest link” (yours truly) removed from the equation. 

TRUE FAITH is BELIEVING that what you are UNABLE to SEE what WILL COME ABOUT, with NO proof that it ever will happen!  Whether you were raised “in church” or not, ALMIGHTY GOD uses you to reveal HIMSELF to others in ways that are SEEMINGLY IMPOSSIBLE by REVEALING our FAITH in HIM!!

GOD ALMIGHTY IS ABLE to deliver us through the darkest valleys!  Sometimes we have to be REMOVED from helping HIM so we “WITHOUT FAITH” won’t stand in the way of those who TRULY BELIEVE! 

SEEING the IMPOSSIBLE occur isn’t a thing of the past!  KNOWING that GOD IS ABLE to “come through” with a MIRACLE is something that some people will NEVER understand.  I pray that when GOD places me to the TEST that I will never again be one “WITHOUT FAITH!!!”.  

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