Thursday, July 12, 2012

Life Taken vs. Life Given!!

When I was just a little kid I would get angry with Pontius Pilate, the Person who had JESUS crucified, because I felt Pilate killed my Savior!   I felt Pilate was this feared, mean ruler who almost took joy in torturing and crucifying his subjects ........including my LORD! Now adays I read the gospels with a slightly different view!  Knowing a little more about my history and what transpired that day, Pilate was a weak, despicable individual who tried to gain, anyway he could, from the trial of JESUS, THE CHRIST.  Pilate, in my mind, is remembered for being a person with NO morals or belief system who appeased everyone he could to gain politically in everyway way he could.  JESUS was not murdered on the cross of Calvary.  HE willingly sacrificed HIS earthly being in order that I would have a means of redemption!  Had HIS life been forcibly taken from HIM, that would display an inferiority to HIS captors!    HE was never inferior to anyone! HE was and still is GOD ALMIGHTY!   

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