Wednesday, July 29, 2015


1 Corinthians 2:7-9                       (KJV)
"7 But we speak the wisdom of GOD in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which GOD ordained before the world unto our glory:
8 Which none of the princes of "this world" knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the LORD of Glory.
9 But as it is written, "EYE HATH NOT SEEN", nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which GOD hath prepared for them that love HIM."

Eight years ago today my mom celebrated what would be her last birthday on this earth.  The woman who gave birth to me, changed my diapers, nursed me when I was ill, and nurtured me like no other, didn't even know she was ill until February 05, 2008.  On that day my doctor turned to her and said "Miss Alice, I don't have as good of news for you.  You have stage 4 Breast Cancer"!  She slipped out of "this world" 22 days later with very little fanfare from "this world".  But in the next world her eyes were made to see things she had never seen before!  

Eight years ago today I was brought out of a 17-day medically induced coma!  Since waking on July 09, 2007, my brain had experienced a hemorrhage that statistics show are 80% fatal!  Most of you have heard this story before and are familiar with my recovery that includes no physical "deficits".  But you have to understand that this is a story that never gets old FOR ME! 

You see, I see this as GOD working in my life an indescribable WORK, a WORK that only HE can receive glory for.  The same physician who told my mom she had cancer wrote in my medical records in September 2007 "However, he has had a remarkable recovery that can only be defined as a miracle from GOD"!  A few years later when I inquired of my doctor how he would have PROJECTED the outcome would play out, he said he thought "IF" I made it out of the hospital that I would live in a nursing home for a period of time and eventually die there.  My doctor is a great man of faith, but the "evidence" he was presented with painted a pretty bleak prognosis!  

Just as my doctor would have NEVER dreamed my recovery would be so complete eight years later, mankind cannot SEE how GOD can do the things HE does!  If they could HE wouldn't be much of a GOD to celebrate!  My doctor of 29 years is a devout Christian and he has seen GOD work many miracles, but he didn't SEE me recovering nearly as well as I have.  I didn't work any harder at my rehabilitation than others, but GOD had HIS HAND on me and that makes all the difference in the world.  No my friends, "EYE HATH NOT SEEN" what GOD is capable of, so don't ever limit what you think GOD can accomplish!  

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