Thursday, July 2, 2015


Isaiah 43:10-11                      (ESV)
"10 "You are my witnesses," declares the LORD, "and my servant whom I have chosen, that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he. Before me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after me. 
11 I, "I AM THE LORD", and besides me there is no savior."

Viewing a video recently on a social media site showed a man being helped by another man who supposedly had no prior knowledge of the first man. Someone though, knew of the act of kindness and recorded the "good deed" and posted it so the whole world could "witness".  A "witness" in court is someone who can give TRUTHFUL testimony of what they know or have seen to be!  

In Isaiah 43:10 GOD says we are HIS witnesses and servants "whom HE has chosen".  Being a part of the chosen doesn't mean we are deserving or better than others.  We are simply chosen to be HIS because of grace that cannot be described!  Not everyone is chosen, and we need to realize and accept that.  As a matter of fact, not everyone who claims to be chosen will be saved (Matthew 7:21-23)!  

To be part of a family, because of GOD's grace, where our matriarch is "I AM THE LORD" is a privilege beyond description!  To understand that "I AM THE LORD" not only created these universes (Colossians 1:16-17), but that HE came to earth to provide redemption for my sins, is indescribable!  HE saved me, even though HE knew I would fail HIM miserably!  Is there any wonder that a song was written named "Amazing Grace"?  

That I am a "witness" and "servant" is not the focal point here.  The fact that "I AM THE LORD" is who I testify about and serve is the point.  A video of my gratitude and appreciation could never capture the true feelings that I desired displayed.  My prayer is that my genuine actions will give evidence that I serve "I AM THE LORD" in everything I do!!!

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