Tuesday, August 25, 2020


 Luke 22:1-6                                                     (ESV)

“1 Now the Feast of Unleavened Bread drew near, WHICH IS CALLED THE PASSOVER.

2 And the CHIEF PRIESTS and the SCRIBES were seeking how to put HIM to death, “FOR THEY FEARED THE PEOPLE”.

3 Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot, who was of the number of the twelve.

4 He went away and conferred with the chief priests and officers how he might betray HIM to them.

5 And they were glad, and agreed to give him money.

6 So he consented and sought an opportunity to betray HIM to them in the absence of a crowd.”

The really difficult times in our life can be when we are trying to do the right thing, but “the enemy” is working in others to accomplish things that we can’t SEE, or even imagine.  The CHIEF PRIESTS and the SCRIBES were originally used by ALMIGHTY GOD, but as “the enemy” had time to work through fallen man, they became fools (Romans 1:22), trying to elevate themselves beyond their calling.  “Originally their name (Heb. sōperêm, writers) was used MERELY of clerks whose function was to copy royal and sacred manuscripts” is written of the Scribes.  They gave the appearance of WISDOM, when they only knew how to write in their own language.  JESUS came to identify “the enemy”, of whom most Scribes were identified.  

Satan, “the enemy”, uses FEAR as one of his most effective tools.  When I am facing a difficult situation that I feel can’t be “messed up”, my tendency is to try and figure out an escape route, to contribute to the solution!  The CHIEF PRIESTS and the SCRIBES were simply men, “FOR THEY FEARED THE PEOPLE”!  If they were really so much WISER than the supposed underlings they “ruled” over, then WHY did THEY FEAR THE PEOPLE?  Even Moses led the Israelites to a hopeless situation, BUT GOD had other Plans!  

GOD had a Plan for JESUS, and HIS PLAN displayed how the hierarchy of the Jewish people were NOT the answer to “this world”!  Today, we try to elevate humanity to be some sort of ruling class when they are simply people who are flawed, EMPOWERED by GOD to preside over HIS domain for a finite time.  Our RULER is ALMIGHTY GOD and we must recognize that anything/anyone trying to rise above HIM is of “the enemy”!  

JESUS CHRIST defeated “the enemy” when HE overcame death, hell and the grave!  No longer should it be said “FOR THEY FEARED THE PEOPLE” as the victory belongs solely to JESUS.  Although “the enemy” will try to make us think that he is still “in the game”, JESUS is the VICTOR over all and deserves our PRAISE and ADORATION!  “FOR THEY FEARED THE PEOPLE” is for those who are of this world, not for we who are from above (Ephesians 6:12)!  “FOR THEY FEARED THE PEOPLE” is for those who have yet to be regenerated!  Who am I???

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