Thursday, August 13, 2020


 Luke 6:43-45                                                        (ESV)

“43 "For no good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit,

44 for each tree is known by its own fruit. For figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush.

45 The GOOD PERSON out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the EVIL PERSON out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of “THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART” his mouth speaks.”

Recently I wrote a devotional that had a sentence in a verse of the Bible (Daniel 12:1) that said “And there shall be A TIME OF TROUBLE, SUCH AS NEVER HAS BEEN since there was a nation till that time. But at that time YOUR PEOPLE SHALL BE DELIVERED, everyone WHOSE NAME shall be FOUND WRITTEN IN THE BOOK.”  We are swayed by “the enemy” to focus on the “bad” things in life, and the “news media” (as they are wrongly identified) generally creates narratives that ignore anything “good” in an effort to focus on the negative.  

People, we have a choice NOT to listen to “this world” and the gloom and doom prognosis they attempt to sell us.  There are those who cannot SEE anything “good”, maybe because they aren’t looking for anything “good”?  If we absorb all of our information from television and other instruments of “the enemy”, we can be expected to grow what bad seeds produce....bad fruits!  A “good tree” produces “good fruit”, and a “bad tree” brings forth “bad fruit”!  

JESUS, our CREATOR, says “each TREE (person) is known by its fruit”!  How can one be expected to deliver “good fruit” when we constantly flood our minds with anything other than the WORD OF GOD?  Even listening to “religious” programming is not listening to THE FATHER give direction and WISDOM to your life!  Listening to Christian music is the appropriate time, which is after your Quiet Time.  When we are too busy to spend time listening to our CREATOR, we are TOO BUSY!

When I was a child watching my grandpa raise gardens, I was captivated by “volunteer” plants that would occasionally grow in his garden.  Those seeds were inside of the soil, sometimes from the previous season.  They produced fruit with hardly any effort.  The WORK done beforehand was reaping rewards FAR down the road.  Our hearts are like the “volunteers”!  For out of “THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART” words are used that can be used by GOD to change a heart!  Saul has his heart changed in Acts 9 by “THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART” of Ananias of Damascus.  What are you putting into “THE ABUNDANCE OF THE HEART” in your life, “good” seeds or “bad” seeds???

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