Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 Ecclesiastes 12:13-14                     (ESV)

“13 “THE END OF THE MATTER”; ALL HAS BEEN HEARD. Fear GOD and keep HIS commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.


Hearing a lot of people declaring almost fearfully about the future of our country demonstrates a lack of focus on Scripture.  Ecclesiastes is said to have been written by Solomon, son of King David.  1 Kings 4:30 says “so that Solomon's wisdom surpassed the wisdom of ALL THE PEOPLE of the east and all the wisdom of Egypt”.  Since he was the wisest person to live outside of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, one should listen to what he has to offer in the final words of this book.  

“THE END OF THE MATTER” means that after everything has been considered, all the facts are weighed, we must FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS!  This is the WHOLE DUTY OF MAN!  Not to figure out how to get revenge on our enemies, not to accumulate more wealth than our neighbor, not to do anything other than to FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS!  Solomon. In his vast wisdom, knew this and his actions displayed his wisdom.  It seems that people (me included sometimes) are displaying their LACK OF WISDOM these days, and their actions are displaying that as well!

GOD WILL BRING EVERY DEED TO JUDGEMENT, whether it is GOOD, or whether it is EVIL!  We may get away with our bad behavior for a time, but it WILL be judged, either through CALVARY, or at the JUDGEMENT SEAT!  “GOD IS NOT MAN, that HE should lie, or a son of man, that HE should change HIS mind. Has HE said, and will he not do it? Or has HE spoken, and will HE not fulfill it?”  (Numbers 23:19).  As mere humans, we cannot figure out when or how GOD is going to repay evil with judgement, but IT WILL SURELY HAPPEN!  

“THE END OF THE MATTER” is ALREADY been set, JUDGEMENT of sin WILL take place!  We can either cast all of our cares upon JESUS (1 Peter 5:7), or we can attempt to make it on our own!  JESUS is not a “fire insurance policy” in case there is a judgement, HE IS THE JUDGEMENT!  One day we will ALL experience “THE END OF THE MATTER” and the time for preparation will be expired! The time for slowing down and counting the cost is NOW!  How you handle “THE END OF THE MATTER” is determined by who/what you TRUST IN while you are on earth!!!

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