Tuesday, December 8, 2020


 Romans 10:14-17                                     (ESV)

“14 How then will they call on HIM in WHOM they have not believed? And how are they to believe in HIM of WHOM they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?

15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!"

16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, "LORD, who has believed what he has heard from us?"

17 So FAITH comes from hearing, and hearing through “THE WORD OF CHRIST”!  

On rare occasions I listen to a news program, not on a network television channel, but a station that is TRUTHFUL in its reporting, and not biased.  I usually cannot listen to more than an hour or so of it as I have become “addicted” to TRUTH, and TRUTH can only be found in “THE WORD OF CHRIST”!  There is no other vehicle to have PEACE and COMFORT delivered to my soul than to seek our CREATOR.  When HE applies HIS balm of Wisdom and Guidance to my helpless spirit, it invigorates me to serve HIM all the more!

Television, radio, CD players, anything that creates noise can be used for good, but when we allow “THE WORD OF CHRIST” to be secondary to anything, we are on dangerous ground.  Just SLOW DOWN and consider our choices for a minute.  The CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES has a LOVE LETTER/manual written through the inspiration of THE HOLY SPIRIT for our guidance and when we CHOOSE to allow our minds to be bombarded with noise of “the enemy”, we are using the avenues of anything other than “THE WORD OF CHRIST”!  

Every so often there is a “challenge” issued by people in an attempt to get them to change their habits and try something that they will benefit from.  How wonderful it would be to have a challenge issued to develop an addiction to “THE WORD OF CHRIST”?  Since “FAITH comes from hearing, and hearing through “THE WORD OF CHRIST”, it is understandable that our FAITH would grow initially, but as our FAITH grew our OBEDIENCE would soon follow.  My obedience could definitely stand some improvement.  As our obedience improves, our testimony would surely follow, which GOD will use for HIS GLORY.  

Allowing my spirit to be engulfed by whatever “this world” is offering up at the particular time is a sure sign of spiritual ignorance or immaturity.  This may seem a little hard, but PEACE and COMFORT is the LAST THING that Satan wants us to experience.  If he can cause us to be agitated and upset about the turmoil that he is generating, his battle is almost won.  “THE WORD OF CHRIST” is like a water blanket on the fires that Satan tries to sustain all around us.  James 4:7 states “Submit yourselves therefore to GOD.  RESIST the devil, and HE WILL FLEE from you”.  “THE WORD OF CHRIST” is the best way that I know of to RESIST!!!

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