Thursday, February 25, 2021


 John 1:14-17                            (ESV)

“14 And the WORD became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen HIS glory, glory as of the only SON from the FATHER, full of “GRACE AND TRUTH”.

15 (John bore witness about HIM, and cried out, "This was HE of whom I said, 'HE who comes after me ranks before me, because HE was before me.'")

16 For from HIS fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.

17 For the law was given through Moses; “GRACE AND TRUTH” came through JESUS CHRIST.”

With so many avenues of knowledge these days, it can be frustrating to rummage through various sources of information searching for “GRACE AND TRUTH”?  Discovering genuine “GRACE AND TRUTH” relegates everything else to being a cheap replication, a counterfeit with NO HOPE of equaling the ORIGINAL!  

JESUS CHRIST is full of “GRACE AND TRUTH” and they only come through HIM!  There simply is no substitute for the hole we are created with.  We can ONLY be completed by our CREATOR, by the ONE WHO is all about “GRACE AND TRUTH”!  The very breath that we currently have in our lungs is the definition of GRACE, we do not deserve it.  

We should be aware of the happenings of “this world”, but we must remain aware that GOD’S PLAN WILL BE FULFILLED, we are only here to serve HIS PURPOSE for a brief time.  True PEACE can only be experienced when we are in the midst of HIS PLAN, even if that PLAN is walking through the valley of the shadow of death!  GOD wants us to WALK with NO FEAR because HE is forever with us with “GRACE AND TRUTH”!  Our adversary will offer a plethora of distractions to attract and maintain our focus, but ultimately “GRACE AND TRUTH” are where we need to set our minds!  

Even when seemingly “good” options are presented, if we fail to keep our minds on JESUS CHRIST then we are settling for less than THE ORIGINAL!  “GRACE AND TRUTH” is the FOUNDATION of everything that matters.  Unless we keep HIM elevated, we are missing the mark.  Don’t allow anything to come before “GRACE AND TRUTH”!!!

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