Tuesday, February 2, 2021


 Psalm 34:4-8                          (ESV)

“4 I sought the LORD, and HE answered me and DELIVERED ME FROM ALL MY FEARS. 

5 Those who look to HIM are radiant, and their faces shall NEVER BE ASHAMED. 

6 This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him and SAVED HIM OUT OF ALL OF HIS TROUBLES. 


8 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in HIM!”

As I recently found myself scrolling through a social media site, Psalm 34:7 was posted.  As I tried to move past my attention was drawn back to the verse, so I had to go to the BIBLE and see exactly what it says.  Apparently the same translation I use was being used by the person that posted it. “The angel of the LORD ENCAMPS AROUND “THOSE WHO FEAR HIM”, and DELIVERS THEM” really speaks to me where I am in my journey through “this world”!  

“THOSE WHO FEAR HIM” is not meant to imply that we walk around trembling that we will “mess up” and do that which we know we shouldn’t.  The statement is saying that we who have a reverence for HIS HOLINESS and righteousness will be ENCAMPED AROUND and guarded by we who HE DELIVERS!  HE protects HIS CHOSEN and leads us in the paths of righteousness.  

This is not to imply that our paths will always be smooth sailing.  When JESUS was asleep in the hull of the boat (Mark 4:38-40) the disciples were fighting for their lives as a storm had found them.  When we are in the “THOSE WHO FEAR HIM” crowd, our instincts are changed to reflect HIS Presence!  

The angel of the LORD ENCAMPS AROUND  “THOSE WHO FEAR HIM”, and DELIVERS THEM is more than a memory verse written by David.  It is a peaceful and assuring knowledge that THE CREATOR lives within our bodies and will DELIVER US through our storms!  Those who RESPECT HIM might be used in the place of “THOSE WHO FEAR HIM”, but the main thing I have to remember is that HE IS GOD, and I AM NOT!!!

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