Friday, February 26, 2021


 2 Corinthians 5:16-17                                 (KJV)

“16 WHEREFORE HENCEFORTH “KNOW WE NO MAN AFTER THE FLESH”: yea, though we have known CHRIST after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we HIM no more.

17 Therefore if any man be in CHRIST, he is a NEW CREATURE: old things are passed away; behold, ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW.”

There is a two hour video of a current minister of THE GOSPEL, of whom I admire greatly, that I listened to recently with great interest.  His skin color is darker than mine, and his view of Scripture is FAR deeper than mine.  Oftentimes we can (and I do!) fail to attribute the completed work of CHRIST to HIM while remembering that HIS SPIRIT is alive within our bodies!  JESUS paid an unimaginable price to redeem us, to complete HIS WORK for us by leveling the playing field for EVERYONE, that we need to be reminded CONSTANTLY for HIS GLORY!

WHEREFORE is defined as “for what reason”, or basically “why the matter is being considered”!  HENCEFORTH is described as “from now on”, or “ from this time forward”!  Since JESUS has paid the price to bring us all onto equal ground, should ever consider myself less than anyone else in the position I find myself?  

How can I find common ground with the wealthiest person alive?  Being a 6’6” male, how do I find similarities with a 5’4” female?  My loud personality and a soft, quiet personality surely would clash!  But Scripture instructs us to “KNOW WE NO MAN AFTER THE FLESH”!!!  GOD knew that I needed a counterbalance for my loudness and so almost 40 years ago HE did what only HE could do and provided my wife!  

Just as ALMIGHTY GOD had the perfect mate for me, HE created me to compliment others, and them to compliment me, so that we can work in ONE ACCORD for HIS GLORY!  Because of the FINISHED WORK OF CHRIST, we ALL are commanded to “KNOW WE NO MAN AFTER THE FLESH”, rather to see CHRIST living inside of them!  “Therefore if any man be in CHRIST, he is a NEW CREATURE: old things are passed away; behold, ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW”.  

WHEREFORE HENCEFORTH, if I see skin color first, or I see a persons ancestry, or allow their wealth to enter into my eyes, I am NOT seeing them as CHRIST SEES them!  When we “KNOW NO MAN AFTER THE FLESH” we see either CHRIST in them, or the need for CHRIST!  Race, social status, political parties shouldn’t figure into the equation.  We must “KNOW NO MAN AFTER THE FLESH”!!!

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