Monday, November 29, 2021


1 Thessalonians 5:12-22                               (ESV)

“[12] We ask you, brothers, to RESPECT THOSE WHO LABOR AMONG YOU and are over you in the LORD and admonish you, [13] and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. BE AT PEACE AMONG YOURSELVES. [14] And WE URGE YOU, brothers, ADMONISH THE IDLE, ENCOURAGE THE FAINTHEARTED, HELP THE WEAK, BE PATIENT WITH THEM ALL. [15] See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone. [16] Rejoice always, [17] “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”, [18] give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of GOD in CHRIST JESUS for you. [19] Do not quench the SPIRIT. [20] Do not despise prophecies, [21] but TEST EVERYTHING; hold fast what is good. [22] ABSTAIN from every form of EVIL.”

Asking for help is never easy, especially when we are thought to be of sound mind and body.  Doing what “we think” is the right thing to do can be precisely what we don’t need to do, while doing that which makes “no sense” can be the precise way out of the situation we find ourselves in.   Our personal wisdom alone is not enough when our goal is to be SPIRIT led!

We have a number of “things” that we must do to fulfill our SPIRITUAL duties.  RESPECT THOSE WHO LABOR AMONG YOU, BE AT PEACE AMONG YOURSELVES, ADMONISH THE IDLE, ENCOURAGE THE FAINTHEARTED, HELP THE WEAK, and BE PATIENT WITH THEM ALL!  These are only a few of the things that we are to do to fulfill what GOD has for us to fulfill.  

But “the main thing” is to “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”!  We are not “smart enough” to serve every need, we don’t have enough money to solve every problem we see, we don’t have the Spiritual maturity to SEE every situation where others might be hurting, but we DO HAVE the ability to “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”!  

ALMIGHTY GOD never takes a break and HE is never without an answer to life’s problems.  As Believers, we are instructed to “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING” for GODS guidance and mercy to be delivered to we that are in need.  The more we SEE things AS THEY TRULY ARE, the more we understand that we NEED GOD to even be able to breathe (Isaiah 42:5)!  Doesn’t it make sense to “PRAY WITHOUT CEASING” when ONLY GOD is able to do that???

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