Tuesday, November 16, 2021


 Shared August 4, 2021!  How many times will I have to hear “SPEAK, FOR YOUR SERVANT HEARS” before I LIE DOWN AND LISTEN???

1 Samuel 3:10-11                                     (ESV)

“[10] And the LORD came and stood, calling as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “SPEAK, FOR YOUR SERVANT HEARS.” [11] Then the LORD said to Samuel, “Behold, I am about to do a thing in Israel at which the two ears of everyone who hears it will tingle.”

There are times in my life where I am so involved with the things of “this world” that hearing from my CREATOR seems like it is listening to a foreign language.  During these times I usually find that getting alone with GOD and intently listening for directions from HIM makes me remember that hearing from HIM is what my soul needs.  

Samuel was not accustomed to hearing from GOD ALMIGHTY.  1 Samuel 3:7 says “Now Samuel DID NOT YET KNOW the LORD, and the WORD of the LORD “had not” yet been revealed to him.”  Samuel kept going to Eli the priest saying that he heard his name being called.  Eli told Samuel to “…“Go, lie down, and if HE calls you, you shall say, ‘SPEAK, LORD, FOR YOUR SERVANT HEARS.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.”

Samuel not only was required to say “SPEAK, FOR YOUR SERVANT HEARS”, but he had to lie down first …………and LISTEN!  So many times I have EXPECTED GOD to give me directions in the midst of moving like a hurricane.  But that is when I most often do the most damage and destruction, attempting to do things on my own without the leadership of the LORD when I need to be lying down and awaiting instructions from HIM!

FATHER IN HEAVEN, forgive me for not WAITING ON THE LORD to guide me through life.  Cause me to implement a strategy of saying “SPEAK, FOR YOUR SERVANT HEARS” after I have LAID DOWN IN MY PLACE!!!

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