Tuesday, November 9, 2021


 Matthew 8:23-27                         (ESV)

JESUS Calms a Storm

“[23] And when HE got into the boat, HIS disciples followed HIM. [24] And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but HE was asleep. [25] And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, LORD; we are perishing.” [26] And HE said to them, “WHY ARE YOU AFRAID, O “YOU OF LITTLE FAITH”?” Then HE ROSE and REBUKED THE WINDS and the SEA, and there was A GREAT CALM. [27] And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey HIM?”

This morning my thoughts were all over the spectrum.   Between trying to plan for a trip for the wife and I are planning, and making sure that all of my obligations have been met before leaving on the aforementioned trip, the path I am taking might be a bit more “cluttered” than I prefer?  Do we PREFER that OUR PATH be smooth, without a wave of resistance from “the enemy”, or anything else that GOD wants to use to magnify HIM to a world that is unable to SEE HIM???

The disciples followed JESUS into the boat HE was going to the other side.  Why did the other side have such a drawing for JESUS?  Why were these disciples so enthralled with causing a scene?  The SPIRIT OF GOD isn’t required to provide EVIDENCE of HIS WORK, as more than adequately is made manifest by HIS CREATION!!  The only EVIDENCE required is in the AIR we breathe and the ground we walk on.    Any other EVIDENCE that WE ARE PROVIDED for might be used to cloud confirmation that EVERYTHING is as HE declares it will be!!!

Our thought patterns can be used to Glorify GOD, or they can be used to for nefarious reasons.  When “YOU OF LITTLE FAITH” are used to display HIS POWER and MIGHT, it is usually THEN that HE gets THE GLORY HE deserves!  Yes, JESUS died on the cross to save sinners whose ONLY HOPE could be found in HIS PERFECT SACRIFICE!  HE did so even though “YOU OF LITTLE FAITH” were yet to have our EYES opened and SEE HIS PLAN!!!

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