Tuesday, January 3, 2023


 Luke 5:15-16                        (ESV)

“[15] But now even more the report about HIM went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear HIM and to be healed of their infirmities. [16] But “HE WOULD WITHDRAW TO DESOLATE PLACES AND PRAY”.”

JESUS CHRIST is/was GOD IN THE FLESH, the most self sufficient individual that ever lived, for HE is/was THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES (Colossians 1:16)!  Yet even “HE WOULD WITHDRAW TO DESOLATE PLACES AND PRAY” because HE KNEW HE needed GOD THE FATHER assisting HIM with THE PLAN for HIS life!  The term DESOLATE PLACES has been translated “where he could be alone” or “wilderness” by other translations of Scripture, maybe indicating that I need to spend more time ALONE with GOD???

What is it inside our feeble minds that could possibly cause us to think we are exempt from “HE WOULD WITHDRAW TO DESOLATE PLACES AND PRAY” when that is PRECISELY what THE ONE WHO CREATED us did so frequently?  Since JESUS submitted HIMSELF to THE FATHER, what would ever make us believe that we can make it on our own?  JESUS KNEW WHO HE was, and HE KNEW WHO THE FATHER is, yet “HE WOULD WITHDRAW TO DESOLATE PLACES AND PRAY”.  HE could OFTEN do so following a time of great success, when most of us humans would be wallowing in the glory being being heaped upon us.  

JESUS KNEW WHO deserved GLORY for everything, including the breath we breathe (Isaiah 42:5)!  HE and the FATHER ARE ONE (John 10:30) and HE KNEW that HE required DIVINE INTERVENTION to fulfill THE PLAN for HIS LIFE!  

From “past experience”, it has been revealed to me that “HE WOULD WITHDRAW TO DESOLATE PLACES AND PRAY” is something that we ALL would benefit from in our lives.  If JESUS CHRIST needed to “seek assistance”, how much more does the chief of sinners (1 Timothy 1:15 KJV) need help getting through “this world”???

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