Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 John 14:12-14                       (ESV)

“[12] “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the FATHER. [13] Whatever you ask “IN MY NAME”, this I will do, THAT THE FATHER MAY BE GLORIFIED IN THE SON. [14] If you ask ME anything “IN MY NAME”, I WILL DO IT.”

As I was growing up the message of “Verily, verily” was introduced to me.  Modern dictionaries have given an easy way to defining verily-In truth; in fact or with confidence; assuredly!  To me, verily, verily meant that what followed should be taken seriously!  The English Standard Version of Scripture uses the words truly, truly in place of verily, verily.  However, today my focus is on “IN MY NAME”!!!

When the WORDS “IN MY NAME” are spoken, the weight of what is being said must be examined by the ONE saying them!  JESUS said in John 10:30 “I and the FATHER are ONE”!  When the WORDS “IN MY NAME” are  used in this context, SEEING WHO is causing these words to be heard needs to be accessed.  In the first chapter of Genesis there are many instances of “And GOD said”.  JESUS is GOD IN THE FLESH, EMMANUEL (GOD IS WITH US)!!!  Unless we give HIM the respect and adoration deserving of the ONE WHO literally SPOKE us into existence, we are speaking as those whose EYES have yet to be OPENED!!!

Verbalizing what our CREATOR has done in our hearts isn’t a simple task.  Ezekiel 35:22-38 plainly says that GOD GIVES US a heart of flesh, replacing our hearts of stone, as a WITNESS of what HE is able to do with we who are CHOSEN!  It’s NOT because we are worthy, but so that “THAT THE FATHER MAY BE GLORIFIED IN THE SON. If you ask ME anything “IN MY NAME”, I WILL DO IT”!!!

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