Monday, May 1, 2023


 John 4:25-26                       (ESV)

“[25] The woman said to HIM, “I know that Messiah is coming (HE WHO is called CHRIST). When HE comes, HE will tell us all things.” [26] “JESUS SAID UNTO HER”, “I WHO speak to you am HE.””

One of my favorite Messages of THE BIBLE is in John 4 when JESUS meets the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well and OPENS her EYES to SEE her lostness, and eventually her salvation and transformation.  She couldn’t SEE this at first, but when her EYES were OPENED she was able recognize that her deliverance from the captivity of her past and poor choices was being addressed only when “JESUS SAID UNTO HER”, “I WHO speak to you am HE”!  

The woman at the well wasn’t what most people would consider an upstanding woman.  She had been married FIVE TIMES (John 4:18) and the man she was living with at the time she wasn’t married to!  And why did JESUS send HIS disciples to go find food leaving HIMSELF to be alone with her???  One would think that a “man of GOD” would not subject HIMSELF to any temptation that would arise from the situation that presented itself from the situation. However JESUS wasn’t a “man of GOD”, HE IS GOD and HE knew that the woman at the well needed to be addressed in private and that was taken care of by THE CREATOR!  JESUS “knew” what she needed, even though she was yet to know herself!

When “JESUS SAID UNTO HER” what HE did, the woman’s life was totally and completely changed!  When JESUS told her “I WHO speak to you AM HE” the MESSAGE was plain that HE was THE MESSIAH, the ONE WHO is the CHRIST”!  

HE, JESUS, is still THE CHRIST, but HE hasn’t OPENED the EYES of a lot of people in “this world” yet.  Until “JESUS SAID UNTO HER” that HE needs to be alone with you and HE removes ALL encumbrances, you probably won’t listen to HIM, but this woman DID listen to HIM!  The woman at the well was CHOSEN, even though she wasn’t the ideal candidate for THE KING OF KINGS to be addressing!  When “JESUS SAID UNTO HER”, she was moved to listen, because she was speaking to THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES!!!

Why is it that we find ourselves TOO BUSY when JESUS speaks to us???

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