Tuesday, May 30, 2023


 Psalms 27:14                       (KJV)

“WAIT ON THE LORD”: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: WAIT, I say, ON THE LORD.”

Recently there was a video about people who did not “WAIT ON THE LORD” on social media that spoke to me very succinctly!  In my experiences, I have usually been one to FORGE AHEAD with my actions and then pray that GOD would bail me out of the problems I created with my impatience!  

Since the Brain Hemorrhage in 2007 I am learning to accept where I am, and WHO IS IN CONTROL?  For a person who had always been IN CHARGE of where I was going and what I needed to be doing, having the OMNIPOTENCE OF GOD displayed to me by being placed in a seventeen day coma was a VERY HUMBLING experience!  

Recalling where I was prior to July 09, 2007 is seemingly in a different life!  Moving at such a pace that I didn’t have time to SEEK GUIDANCE from ALMIGHTY GOD is NOT where I want to ever be again.  “WAIT ON THE LORD” is something that I have to constantly be reminded of, for the enemy is ALWAYS trying to convince me otherwise!  Cause me, HEAVENLY FATHER, to always remember to “WAIT ON THE LORD” and praise HIS NAME!!!

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