Monday, May 22, 2023


 Jeremiah 17:14-17                           (ESV)

Jeremiah Prays for Deliverance

    “[14] Heal me, O LORD, and I shall be healed;

        save me, and I shall be saved,

        for YOU are my praise. 

    [15] Behold, they say to me,

        “Where is the word of the LORD?

        Let it come!” 

    [16] I have not run away from being your shepherd,

        nor have I desired the day of sickness.

    YOU know what came out of my lips;

        it was before YOUR face. 

    [17] Be not a terror to me;

        “YOU ARE MY REFUGE” in the day of disaster.”

The prayer above is the beginning of what Jeremiah prayed to ALMIGHTY GOD seeking DELIVERANCE.  Jeremiah (650BC to 570BC) was a Prophet in the Old Testament who was called to reveal the sins of the people and the punishment that was to come.  He knew GOD was able to DELIVER him, but Jeremiah didn’t know what method GOD would use for the DELIVERY!

SEEING the DELIVERER through the confusion and turmoil of the trial is precisely what “the enemy” attempts to prevent!  Keeping our EYES fixed on our DELIVERER will bring PEACE (Isaiah 26:3) to us rather than fear and doubt.  

LORD, cause me to always ALWAYS remember that “YOU ARE MY REFUGE”, especially when “the enemy” attempts to disrupt my focus on YOU!!!

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