Monday, July 31, 2023


 2 Corinthians 6:16-18                   (ESV)

“[16] What agreement has the temple of GOD with idols? For we are the temple of the living GOD; as GOD said, 

    “I will make MY dwelling among them and walk among them,

        and I will be their GOD,

        and they shall be MY people. 

    [17] Therefore GO OUT FROM THEIR MIDST,

        and “BE SEPARATE FROM THEM”, says the LORD,


        then I WILL WELCOME YOU, 

    [18] and I will be a father to you,

        and you shall be sons and daughters to me,


THE LORD ALMIGHTY used writings from Moses and stored in the heart and mind of Paul thousands of years later to enunciate that we who are BELIEVERS should “BE SEPARATE FROM THEM”!  When you look up SEPARATE, one synonym is to “divide”, while the antonym is listed as “unite”!  

We, the “ecclesia”(“gathering of those summoned”), are to “BE SEPARATE FROM THEM”, not to be similar to them.  ALMIGHTY GOD has CHOSEN us to be “different” than the rest of the world, not to walk in unison with them.  It would behoove us to NOT be similar to “this world”, but to DIVIDED from them!  

I don’t need to do what others do to fit in with “the crowd”!  I need to live as though I have been “called out” from those who are headed in the same direction!  I need to “BE SEPARATE FROM THEM” as my eternity has been prepaid by JESUS CHRIST!!!!

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