Friday, July 7, 2023



Unless you KNOW JESUS, you CANNOT know TRUTH!

Romans 8:26-30                    (ESV)

“[26] Likewise the (HOLY) SPIRIT helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the (HOLY) SPIRIT HIMSELF intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. [27] And HE WHO searches hearts knows what is the mind of the (HOLY) SPIRIT, because the (HOLY) SPIRIT intercedes for the saints according to the will of GOD. [28] And we know that for those who love GOD all things work together for good, for those who are called according to HIS purpose. [29] For those whom HE foreknew HE also predestined to be “CONFORMED” to the image of HIS SON, in order that HE might be the firstborn among many brothers. [30] And those whom HE predestined HE also called, and those whom HE called HE also justified, and those whom HE justified HE also glorified.”

The WORD CONFORM came to my mind recently, but I didn’t have the opportunity to research it in THE WORD to SEE what GOD was speaking to me regarding it.  The next phrase “Unless you KNOW JESUS, you CANNOT know TRUTH!” came to my mind at the same time.  So I decided this morning to discover what was revealed in THE WORD OF GOD regarding “CONFORMED”!

In a dictionary, the word CONFORM is defined as “to bring into agreement, correspondence, or harmony”.  In the same dictionary, the word INTERCEDES is defined as “in·ter·ced·ed, in·ter·ced·ing.

  1. to act or interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble, as by pleading or petition:

The HOLY SPIRIT acts without our consent or permission many times.  When I was placed into the coma in 2007, my brain was healed from the hemorrhage, but I didn’t have anything to do with it. I didn’t know what was going on!  The HOLY SPIRIT of GOD was in CONTROL, and I was simply at HIS disposal!

The HOLY SPIRIT of GOD still is in CONTROL!  Sometimes I have to be reminded of that!  HE continues to mold me into HIS IMAGE, to act on GOD’s behalf, to cause me to be in the image of JESUS CHRIST!  Apparently HE CHOSE ME TO display HIS ability to save the worst of HIS creation, and to “CONFORM” me to HIS IMAGE!!!

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