Wednesday, July 5, 2023


 John 17:1-3                               (ESV)

The High Priestly Prayer

“[1] When JESUS had spoken these words, HE lifted up HIS eyes to heaven, and said, “FATHER, the hour has come; glorify your SON that the SON may glorify YOU, [2] since YOU have given HIM authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to ALL YOU HAVE GIVEN HIM. [3] And THIS IS ETERNAL LIFE, “THAT THEY KNOW YOU”, the only true GOD, and JESUS CHRIST whom YOU have sent.”

“THAT THEY KNOW YOU”, the only true GOD, and JESUS CHRIST WHOM YOU have sent” is near the beginning of The High Priestly Prayer offered by JESUS to HIS HEAVENLY FATHER.  JESUS CHRIST left HIS throne in Heaven and suffered the agony of being separated from HIS HEAVENLY FATHER just so we could experience LIFE!  

This prayer was offered by JESUS just before HE was arrested, tried, and condemned for the sins of mankind.  HE had to have known that torture would be immensely tortuous, but HE was willing to be “separated” briefly from THE FATHER in order to purchase my salvation.  And yet I act as though I am HIS most prized asset, when I am really “the chief of sinners” (1 Timothy 1:15)!  

The fact that I am even included in the list of people who can declare “THAT THEY KNOW YOU” something that humbles me greatly!  Let me BOLDLY proclaim “THAT THEY KNOW YOU” includes a brain-damaged reject from the wrong side of the tracks!  However, I am BLESSED to proclaim “THAT THEY KNOW YOU” includes me, and YOU are the only reason!!!!

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