Monday, July 3, 2023


 Isaiah 64:6                        (KJV)

“But WE ARE ALL  as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as “FILTHY RAGS”; and WE ALL do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.”

There are several KJV Scriptures that I remember from my youth that are implanted in my brain for seemingly eternity!  The words “FILTHY RAGS” (or “polluted garments”) demonstrate to me how GOD SEES ALL people!  There isn’t a person EVER born from Adam who is HOLY, HOLY, HOLY!  Only JESUS CHRIST is and HIS “substitutionary atonement” (Romans 6:23) is our ONLY HOPE!

WE ALL are as an “unclean thing”, we have no option than to rest in GRACE provided by OUR SAVIOR!  We can either live as “FILTHY RAGS”, or allow JESUS CHRIST to make us WHOLE people!!!

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