Thursday, October 12, 2023


 Jeremiah 5:21                       (ESV)

    [21] “HEAR THIS”, O foolish and senseless people,

        who have eyes, but see not,

        who have ears, but hear not.”

When you have been to a place that few others have been, it gives you a “perspective” that others cannot easily comprehend.  You want them to see what you are able to SEE, but they won’t be able to grasp the reality unless they are where you have been!  Even though you try to make them understand, they cannot fathom what you are saying to them!

The verse of Scripture above says it very clearly that there are people “who have eyes, but see not, who have ears, but hear not.”  I cannot imagine not being able to see or hear?  But not being able to HEAR or SEE SPIRITUALLY has to be the most debilitating experiences in creation!  To not be able to communicate with our CREATOR is something that is unfathomable to me!  But there are those who EYES and EARS have never seen nor HEARD, and THAT is tragic!  

FATHER IN HEAVEN, I pray that those who are moving so fast that they can’t SEE or HEAR from YOU will have their EYES and EARS OPENED to experience YOUR GLORY!  Cause them to “HEAR THIS” MESSAGE from YOU and turn their lives over to YOUR PLAN!!!

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