Tuesday, October 31, 2023


 Psalm 31:14-15                             (ESV)

    “[14] But I trust in YOU, O LORD;

        I say, “YOU are my GOD.” 

    [15] My times are in YOUR hand;

        “RESCUE ME” from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors!”

This morning the temperature was 33 degrees and the wind chill was 29 degrees  Just last week I was camping in a tent about three hours NORTH of here and late at night the temperature was 72 degrees, almost sweating!!!

We must NEVER be dismayed about where we are, but always remember WHO is in control of EVERYTHING……..not just the weather!!!  GOD has displayed many times that HE IS ABLE, so why can’t I learn this like I should?  

When my Brain Hemorrhaged occurred, they were having trouble controlling my blood pressure.  One day I received a tremendous amount of blood pressure medication. Early the next morning my blood pressure tanked!  

One day JESUS was crucified, a few days later HE arose from the grave victorious and triumphantly!  

When GOD moves, we need to understand that HE does it on HIS timeframe, not to satisfy our expectations!  Sometimes I need to be reminded that GOD can “RESCUE ME”, even from a seventeen day coma, and HE hasn’t lost any power since!!!

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