Sunday, October 15, 2023


 saiah 51:12-13                           (ESV)

    [12] “I, “I AM HE WHO COMFORTS YOU”;

        who are you that you are afraid of man who dies,

        of the son of man who is made like grass, 

    [13] and have forgotten the LORD, your MAKER,

        WHO stretched out the heavens

        and laid the foundations of the earth,

    and you fear continually all the day

        because of the wrath of the oppressor,

    when he sets himself to destroy?

        And where is the wrath of the oppressor?”

From time to time we are faced with waiting on the LORD!  Social media will not satisfy, television is not capable of delivering comfort, nothing seems to fulfill like being alone with GOD!  Our COMFORTER is the ONLY ONE WHO can deliver us free the entrapments that are used by the enemy in an effort to rob GOD from the GLORY HE deserves!  

“Where is the wrath of the oppressor” is a question that can be difficult to ask by humans ….and answer!  The Children of Israel had just been delivered from Egyptian captivity and were following “the CLOUD” which led them to the banks of the Red Sea in Exodus 14.  They HAD to wait on GOD’s Deliverance for quite some time before the Egyptians caught up with them WAITING FOR THEM at the Red Sea!  That is where ALMIGHTY GOD got GLORY over Pharaoh and ALL his hosts (Exodus 14:28) WITH NO HELP from mankind!

Modern Day BELIEVERS are no different!  Even I have DIFFICULTY accepting how GOD DELIVERED me from the “valley of the shadow of death” almost 17 years ago.  But when GOD does what ONLY HE can do, humanity has no explanation for the results!  Peter and John say in Acts 4:19-20 “Acts 4:19-20 “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to GOD, you must judge, for WE CANNOT BUT SPEAK OF WHAT WE HAVE SEEN AND HEARD.”

The STORY that I share might be repetitive to some, but when you are the one who is DELIVERED from the banks of the Red Sea, it is something that you HAVE to make sure everyone HEARS!  When you have experienced “I AM HE WHO COMFORTS YOU”, you have to tell the world about HIM!!! 

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