Monday, December 4, 2023



There is much discussion these days about everything to do with current events???  The “unsettledness” of the entire world SHOULD be near the top of everyone’s list!  

Instead we see folks raising the debate on which team should be in a playoff that will “supposedly” determine the “National Champion” of college football!  

Imagine if you had the ability to decree that the ENTIRE WORLD ponder ONLY ONE THING?  This item would need to be MONUMENTAL in importance for not everyone is moved by sports, money, health, or any other subject that is inserted in the sentence.  

Consider what could possibly be SO IMPORTANT that EVERY PERSON ever CREATED would find it beneficial to have it addressed in their life?  How about to rest assured that our lives are inline with what we CREATED for????

“BE STILL, AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD”, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” might be a good place to start???

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