Wednesday, December 6, 2023


 Matthew 27:14                      (ESV)

“But HE (JESUS) gave him no answer, “NOT EVEN TO A SINGLE CHARGE”, so that the governor was greatly amazed.”

JESUS was/is/will ALWAYS be the SON OF GOD, THE WORD according to John 1:1.  But when HE was presented with the opportunity clear HIS NAME to Pilate and the Chief Priests, JESUS responded with silence to everything!  THE WORD didn’t refute anything, “NOT EVEN TO A SINGLE CHARGE”!!  

It isn’t WRITTEN precisely why JESUS never responded, but THE TRUTH (John 14:6), THE WORD (John 1:1), and our PEACE (Ephesians 2:14) allowed lies and deceit to be used to unjustly cause HIS crucifixion so I would have eternal life with HIM!  My SALVATION was purchased with JESUS being SILENT while what was RIGHT was being ignored!  

We must have a clear enough KNOWLEDGE of THE TRUTH to be able to identify it, even when the entire world doesn’t SEE it!  John 6:44 says “NO ONE can come to ME unless the FATHER WHO SENT ME DRAWS HIM”!!!  Although we are instructed to GO and TEACH in Matthew 28, our SALVATION was bought because JESUS was silent to HIS accusers.  HE CHOSE to not address the LIES, “NOT EVEN TO A SINGLE CHARGE”!!!

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