Wednesday, December 27, 2023


“PRAYER will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from PRAYER” (John Bunyan).

When we consider that PRAYER is our direct link to the GOD of all CREATION, it only makes sense that the father of all lies would want us to stop talking to HIM. SUCH A DISCONNECT CRIPPLES US FROM A CLOSER SIN-FREE RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR GOD.  The writer of James 4:8 encourages us with these words: “Draw near to GOD, and HE will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded people!" 


GOD, Thank YOU not only for letting but also for welcoming our fellowship with YOU. Amen.

Bro. Bill

In GOD we Trust!

This devotional was shared recently by a pastor friend of mine.  His almost daily message is placed on social media most mornings and I read it when I awake and begin my day.   This morning I can’t get past the first word of his devotional!!

Humanity actually has the POWER to do NOTHING without the leading and guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT!!!  From experience, the seventeen day coma I experienced in 2007.  “Cleanse your hands, sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double-minded people” are seemingly are seemingly wonderful commands, but we DON’T HAVE the wherewithal to even breathe correctly without someONE or something SUPERNATURALLY INSTILLING the mechanism to inhale and exhale.  

We tend to BELIEVE that we FOLLOW GOD because we are better than others, but John 6:44 says “NO ONE can come to ME unless the FATHER WHO sent ME DRAWS him.”  We ONLY have the desire to FOLLOW HIM because HE has placed that within us.  

“PRAYER” changes us!  When we finally are in a position to HEAR from our CREATOR, we are slowed down enough to HEAR HIM as Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11-13 (KJV), we are then ABLE to HEAR our CREATOR speak to us and be USED to accomplish HIS PURPOSE for our lives!!!

True “PRAYER” isn’t just giving a “wish list” to our CREATOR, it is listening to that “still small voice” that Elijah heard when he stopped complaining about how rough he was being treated!  GOD has displayed to me how OMNIPOTENT HE is!  I MUST listen to HIM more and NOT just bring my wants and desires to HIS THRONE!!!!   “PRAYER!!!!”

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