Tuesday, March 12, 2024


 Psalm 37:4-5                         (ESV)

    “[4] Delight yourself in the LORD,

        and HE will give you the desires of your heart.

    [5] Commit your way to the LORD;

        trust in HIM, and “HE WILL ACT”.”

“Your body contains about 60,000 miles of blood vessels.”

“Measured at the equator, the Earth has a circumference of 40,075.017 km or 24,901.461 miles.”

This indicates that our bodies have enough blood vessels to go completely around earth almost two and one half times!  

In July 2007 a blood vessel in my brain sprung a leak smaller than the size of a number two pencil lead, probably considered a TINY leak to most, it almost cost me my life!

Then in April 2017, three blood vessels in my heart were clogged (60%, 65%, and 70%) and these three “clogs” were bypassed by a heart surgeon.  The “donor artery”, pulled from my leg, was long enough to do four (4) bypasses, allowing blood to properly flow through my heart once again. 

Both of the aforementioned “conditions” could be considered life threatening, but GOD used each to teach me INVALUABLE lessons that many people never have the opportunity to learn from!  GOD knew PRECISELY when and where the Brain Hemorrhage needed to happen to accomplish HIS PURPOSE!  The Bypass Surgery “corrected” so-called “tiny” coronary arteries with a blood vessel from my leg that was HUGE, causing my blood pressure to drop greatly!  

Both instances were considered to be “life threatening”!  But one of the lessons that I learned soon afterwards was that GOD IS IN CONTROL, especially when “the enemy” is getting near (Exodus 14:14)!  Although my doctors and nurses were excellent, the medical conditions were treated by hospitals over 100 miles apart.  However GOD was there, no matter where I was being treated.  

GOD doesn’t “require” for us to specifically ask for HIM to perform miraculous works in our lives, sometimes “HE WILL ACT” to GLORIFY HIS NAME and we are the recipients!!  In Isaiah 42:5 Scripture says HE gives us the very breath we breathe!  HIS MIRACLES NEVER CEASE, if we could only recognize THEM!!!

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