Wednesday, March 6, 2024


 Psalm 37:7-9                       (ESV)

    “[7] BE STILL before the LORD and “WAIT PATIENTLY FOR HIM”;

        fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way,

        over the man who carries out evil devices!

    [8] REFRAIN from anger, and FORSAKE wrath!

        FRET NOT yourself; it tends only to evil. 

    [9] For the evildoers shall be cut off,

        but those who “WAIT” for the LORD shall inherit the land.”

MOST of the time in my life has been spent in an “on the go” mentality, doing anything to stay busy!  Now it appears that BEING STILL and WAITING might be recognized by scientists as healthy, even Biblical, which might confuse “the learned” of “this world”???

In an article published within the last few days a term about the so-called “Default Mode Network” offers the possibility that BEING STILL and “WAIT PATIENTLY FOR HIM” might be good advice?!?  An excerpt from the article states “And dysfunction in the default mode network was floated as a potential feature of nearly every psychiatric and neurological disorder, including depression, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease.”  Later in the article this paragraph was used, “It was as if these areas (Default Mode Network) had been active when the person wasn’t doing anything, and then turned off when the mind had to concentrate on something external.”  In my feeble understanding, the “Default Mode Network” study was saying that when a brain disengages from specific tasks and RESTS, it is free to do whatever ALMIGHTY GOD is trying to get the individual to do for HIM……..for we that are CHOSEN!!

Could it be that King David KNEW that GOD required him to BE STILL and “WAIT PATIENTLY FOR HIM”?  Modern secular scientists have only found out within the last few days what King David knew over 3,000 years ago!  GOD needs us to “WAIT PATIENTLY FOR HIM”!!!  HE hasn’t changed!!!

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