Saturday, June 1, 2024


 Revelation 21:3-4                       (ESV)

“[3] And I heard a loud voice from the THRONE saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of GOD is with man. HE will dwell with them, and they will be HIS people, and “GOD HIMSELF” will be with them as their GOD. [4] HE will WIPE AWAY every tear from their eyes, and death shall be NO MORE, neither shall there be MOURNING, nor CRYING, nor PAIN anymore, for the former things have passed away.””

Recently I saw a video of an Army soldier returning to a restaurant and hugging his mother.  The hug lasted for more time than one might expect?  Ahhh, but then I began to think!  

The GRANDEUR of seeing “GOD HIMSELF” will UNDOUBTEDLY overshadow ALL that our imagination has to offer!  Even my extraordinarily beautiful wife will pale when I SEE JESUS!!!  I don’t, as I’m sure most of us can’t, fathom “GOD HIMSELF” being with us as our GOD???

Will GOD hug me like the aforementioned mom did her military son?  I will not know until I arrive in Heaven, but I will DEFINITELY find out when I see “GOD HIMSELF”!!!

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