Wednesday, June 26, 2024


 Matthew 6:5-6                    (ESV)

[5] “And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. [6] But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your FATHER WHO is in secret. And your FATHER “WHO SEES IN SECRET” will reward you.”

There are MANY times when my “Brain Damaged” mind is unable to focus on one thing at a time.  I have always had a problem with a wondering mind, hardly ever finishing a thought until I am pondering something totally different?!?  This morning I typed into a “search engine” BIBLE SPENDING TIME WITH GOD and one of the first results was Matthew 6:6.  As I copied and pasted the two verses above, my mind was captivated by the sentence “And your FATHER “WHO SEES IN SECRET” will reward you”!

To fully absorb what Scripture is trying to teach us, this humble servant is REQUIRED to SLOWLY digest the WORD and allow it to marinate my thick skull.  Our FATHER “WHO SEES IN SECRET” might be understood to mean that GOD literally SEES what we an asking for and provides our “wishes“?  But ALMIGHTY GOD KNOWS that I am flawed and HE can’t give me everything that I “wish for”.  That would be chaotic, putting it mildly!  

“WHO SEES IN SECRET” could be better understood that GOD KNOWS ALL, and HE lovingly “orchestrates” happenings FOR HIS GLORY.  The “finiteness” of the human mind is unable to comprehend what THE ALMIGHTY is capable of doing.  I might have NEVER fathomed that I would experience a “massive brain hemorrhage” in 2007, spend seventeen days in a coma and two years off from work, yet be HEALED enough two years later to buy my business back from the person GOD entrusted it to for those three years.  

ALMIGHTY GOD, “WHO SEES IN SECRET”, has a PLAN!  We have to WALK BY FAITH (2 Corinthians 5:7), NOT BY SIGHT, to please HIM!  Our limited knowledge and abilities are incapable of SEEING what HE has planned for us.  

FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to TRUST in YOU to guide me through this life and to fully understand that YOU are the ONE “WHO SEES IN SECRET”!!!

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