Sunday, June 2, 2024


 Exodus 33:12-16                    (ESV)

Moses’ Intercession

“[12] Moses said to the LORD, “See, YOU say to me, ‘Bring up this people,’ but YOU have not let me know whom YOU will send with me. Yet YOU have said, ‘I know you by name, and you have also found favor in MY sight.’ [13] Now therefore, if I have found favor in YOUR sight, “PLEASE SHOW ME NOW YOUR WAYS”, that I may know YOU in order to find favor in YOUR sight. Consider too that this nation is your people.” [14] And HE said, “MY PRESENCE will go with you, and I WILL GIVE YOU REST.” [15] And he said to HIM, “If YOUR PRESENCE will not go with me, do not bring us up from here. [16] For how shall it be known that I have found favor in YOUR sight, I and YOUR people? Is it not in YOUR going with us, so that WE ARE DISTINCT, I and YOUR people, FROM EVERY OTHER PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH?””

Moses was the earthly author of the first five books of the BIBLE, but he still needed ALMIGHTY GOD to guide him through “this world”!  Yet in this particular passage of Scripture Moses is saying GOD that the Children of Israel “need” to be different FROM EVERY OTHER PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH?  Why else did Moses write WE ARE DISTINCT???

If Moses KNEW that he and the CHOSEN OF GOD were different than others in “this world”, why did he have to request that ALMIGHTY GOD “PLEASE SHOW ME YOUR WAYS”?  Can’t you imagine that GOD could have “ordained” them to follow HIM completely and we would SEE HIS sovereignty and never strayed into doing what “we wanted”?  Surely we would learn from their errors??  Or maybe we would SEE their “rewards” for doing things their “own way” and not make the same mistakes!!

Sometimes I don’t get it!  The choices I make are NOT in my best interests.  WHY do I do the things that I do?  Maybe it is because I don’t SEEK HIM daily to “PLEASE SHOW ME YOUR WAYS”???

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